We take your privacy and confidentiality seriously

Information collected in this study is protected health information, or “PHI,” and is protected by federal and state laws, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA. In compliance with NYU Langone Health policies and procedures and with HIPAA, only research team members approved by the IRB can access this information. 

We will make every effort to protect your privacy by labeling your samples and information only with a code, and keeping the key to the code in a password-protected database. All questionnaires will be completed within our secure electronic database system to enhance security and minimize the risk of loss of confidentiality.

The IRB reviews all human research studies – including this study. The IRB follows Federal Government rules and guidelines designed to protect the rights and welfare of the people taking part in the research studies. The IRB also reviews research to make sure the risks for all studies are as small as possible. The NYU Grossman School of Medicine IRB reviews this study. The NYU IRB is made up of doctors, nurses, non-scientists, and people from the community. You can contact the NYU IRB at (212) 263-4110.

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